અધ્યાય ૧૪ – શ્લોક ૧૫ – ગીતાજી
જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ … શ્લોક ની છબી લોડ થઈ રહી છે….

Find the same shloka below in English and Hindi.
TheGita – Chapter 14 – Shloka 15
Shloka 15
Should a person be in the RAJAS state at the time of death, he is reborn in the places of the world where he is restless and constantly active. Similarly if a person is TAMASIC at the time of his death, he is reborn into a family of irrational behaviour, laziness and dullness.
रजोगुण के बढ़ने पर मृत्यु को प्राप्त होकर कर्मों की आसक्ति वाले मनुष्यों में उत्पन्न होता है ; तथा तमोगुण के बढ़ने पर मरा हुआ मनुष्य कीट, पशु आदि मूढ़ योनियों में उत्पन्न होता है ।। १५ ।।
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi and English – The Gita.net
|| જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ ||