અધ્યાય ૧૭ – શ્લોક ૨૮ – ગીતાજી
જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ … શ્લોક ની છબી લોડ થઈ રહી છે….

Find the same shloka below in English and Hindi.
TheGita – Chapter 17 – Shloka 28
Shloka 28
If any of these acts, O Arjuna, whether it is Spiritual Sacrifice, Self-perfection or the offering of pure and pleasant gifts, is done without faith and good incentives, Asat (all that is untrue and representative of darkness) is attained. By achieving Asat, one has really gained absolutely nothing, O Son of Kunti, because I hold the acts performed in Asat as useless, and having no importance in this world or in the afterworld.
हे अर्जुन ! बिना श्रद्बा जे के किया हुआ हवन, दिया हुआ दान एवं तपा हुआ तप और जो कुछ भी किया हुआ शुभ कर्म है —– वह समस्त ‘असत्’ —– इस प्रकार कहा जाता है ; इसलिये वह न तो इस लोक में लाभदायक है और न मरने के बाद ही ।। २८ ।।
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi and English – The Gita.net
|| જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ ||