અધ્યાય ૨ – શ્લોક ૪૮- ગીતાજી
જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ … શ્લોક ની છબી લોડ થઈ રહી છે….

Find the same shloka below in English and Hindi.
TheGita – Chapter 2 – Shloka 48
Shloka 48
The Divine Lord said:
O ARJUNA, perform all your actions with an even mind. In other words, do not feel overjoyed at the successes in your life and do not allow yourself to feel overcome with grief because of any failures you may encounter on life. Rid yourself of any attachments to material things and always remember that the results of your actions is in the Lord’s hands. If you react the same way, regardless of the result of your actions, you are performing what is known as KARMYOGA.
हे धनञ्जय ! तू आसक्त्ति को त्याग कर तथा सिद्भि और असिद्भि में समान बुद्भि वाला होकर योग में स्थित हुआ कर्तव्य कर्मों को कर, समत्व ही योग कहलाता है ।। ४८ ।।
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi and English – The Gita.net
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