અધ્યાય ૫ – શ્લોક ૨૩ – ગીતાજી
જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ … શ્લોક ની છબી લોડ થઈ રહી છે….

Find the same shloka below in English and Hindi.
TheGita – Chapter 5 – Shloka 23
Shloka 23
A person who has learnt to withstand the forces of desire and anger brought on by material pleasures, before he leaves his body, is a true Yogi who is happy and in a mentally and physically peaceful state with himself forever.
जो साधक इस मनुष्य शरीर से, शरीर का नाश होने से पहले-पहले ही काम क्रोध से उत्पन्न होने वाले वेग को सहन करने में समर्थ हो जाता है, वही पुरुष योगी है और वही सुखी है ।। २३ ।।
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi and English – The Gita.net
|| જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ ||