અધ્યાય ૬ – શ્લોક ૮ – ગીતાજી
જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ … શ્લોક ની છબી લોડ થઈ રહી છે….

Find the same shloka below in English and Hindi.
TheGita – Chapter 6 – Shloka 8
Shloka 8
The Lord explained:
When one’s mind is at peace and fully contented with the Gyan (Knowledge or wisdom) it has acquired, one whose mind is constantly stable and fixed in God, who has controlled his senses well and considers dirt, stone and gold as one, is said to have achieved unity with God. He is the perfect Yogi, O Arjuna.
जिसका अन्त:करण ज्ञान-विज्ञान से तृप्त है, जिसकी स्थिति विकार रहित है, जिसकी इन्द्रियाँ भली भाँति जीती हुई हैं और जिसके लिये मिट्टी, पत्थर और सुवर्ण समान हैं, वह योगी युक्त्त अर्थात् भगवत्प्राप्त है, ऐसे कहा जाता है ।। ८ ।।
The Gita in Sanskrit, Hindi and English – The Gita.net
|| જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ ||